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On the Basis of creativity

In this new millenium the quintessential tool for the creation and expression of creativity is that
of the humble website. This website is modeled on the many Geocities websites which could be found
even into the late 2000's. Geocities was the first major free website host, and was the tool with
which an entire generation turned to website creation. Geocities was used by a variety of different
people ranging from freelance musicians to even the White House. Geocities sites embodied many strong
design traditions which are still considered to be unique to Geocities websites. Geocities marked the
genesis of the world wide web where a zeitgeist of freedom and expression emerged. This website
follows many of the quintessential design elements of Geocities sites from the heavy use of GIFs
to the one bit images which marked the modern internet in its infancy, and also exists as a memorial
to the unbridled expression and personality which has all but been lost in the modern day of the
commercial internet.

Stay tuned for the soon-to-be added behind the scenes page.